Weha Kolene

Weha Kolene

Mental characteristics


Weha is mostly homeschooled, in the sense that his mother Zaye Grakkus Kerplocken Kolene has overseen most of his education with the help of some prerecorded holovid courses on data crystals. Some of his education has been provided by Mom's peers among the noghri Death Commando clan now calling itself Kerplocken's Brigade.
In the months after Mom became bondwife to General Vance Kerplocken, their new stepfather and his friends also began to offer the occasional bit of tutoring. The best lessons, of course, came from General Kerplocken himself, mostly about stun baton or stunsaber techniques. Captain Kolene knows how to get the best off-menu popcorn toppings from the commissary food dispenser. Jedi Knight Ysadora knows a little bit about how to start a mystery investigation. Mentat-Advisor Reese Pieces knows more about maths than anybody in the whole Galaxy. Jedi Knight al Saba led the family on a camping trip in a jungle!
After the camping trip, the journey home to Chalcedon got diverted into a new starship called the Starrise Falcon. It is such a cool ship that enemies keep trying to board it. While Weha, Kualia, and the astromech Bishop were checking inventory in the wake of one of these attempted boarding raids, Mom and Captain Kolene got engaged. We did not know that was a thing that could happen during a pirate action. You learn something new every day!
But General Kerplocken will still be part of the family despite the divorce, right?

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Weha has a natural aptitude for mechanics and droid repair.

Likes & Dislikes

Weha adores Vance Kerplocken. As a result, he is currently devoted to lightfoil fencing. He practices daily, using a drone given to him for that purpose by Jedi Knight So'Zen Al Saba.
Weha doesn’t trust Grandpa due to incident where he overheard an argument between Mom and Grandpa where grandpa was a little threatening.


Family Ties


Social Aptitude

Weha is naturally energetic, but he can be a bit shy in groups. The age of the group does not matter so much as being uncertain of what behavior would best help him fit in.

Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
998:09:01 RR
Year of Birth
12721 10 Years old
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
a healthy steel gray, often sun-burnished at extremities
4'3" or 1.29m
Other Affiliations


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