Cultural event
Two smugglers and a private eye walk into a bar....
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away ...
A weary Galaxy shakes from the tides of war. Ships clash in the dead of space, struggling for position to defend their homes or impose their will on the innocents caught in between.
Meanwhile, as star-spanning governments rattle their sabers, a Twi’lek farmer makes a deal with a crime syndicate. Desperate, the father reaches out for any help he can find to locate his son. He made a terrible deal, his son stayed missing, and the farmer now owes Rogga the Hutt.
With the boy’s time running out, the farmer sends another message for help to the Hutt. The message is intercepted by Jangir Toth. The bounty hunter instead routes the message towards Procopia to people he knows will be more reliable than the nefarious Rogga the Hutt.
I was only in ONE closet ... and THAT wasn't even Sith!
Come get me right now.
I hate bringing Monty Python stuff into this, but what I'm going to do:
I've got a Control Pain ability too, it's called "alcohol"!