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A Trail of Blood and Oil

General Summary

Session 1.0
The hunt is on! The bounty hunting crew of the starship SUMMERHAWK is on the trail of dangerous killer and ship thief, DAI DANU, a Sullustan wanted for murder and corporate espionage.
Investigating Dai’s latest theft, a medium transport called the AGRIPPA, the crew traced it’s flight plan and last known sighting to the Elrood Sector.
Doggedly pursuing their target, Summerhawk emerges from hyperspace above the barren planet, Halbara, hot on the tail of the stolen freighter…
  The crew finds the Agrippa under attack by Malia Shariv who claims the freighter belongs to her. They begin to join the attack to disable the freighter when Mirlon learns that the ship in question is not the Agrippa but is actually the Alderaan. The freighter’s transponder codes had been altered to mask its identity.   After convincing Malia to cease her attack, the heroes boarded the Alderaan. Mirlon successfully deactivated the cloned transponder signal, but was unable to dislodge the cloning device.   With no leads to track Dai Danu, the team takes the suggestion of Malia to seek out an infochant who might be able to point them in the right direction. They follow her to Haven, a shadowport built out of an old Trade Federation droid control ship.   After docking they locate a Rodian infochant in the local cantina named Bajur. He mentions that a local vendor and sometimes black marketeer named Grobek sold a transponder cloner recently. The team heads to Grobek’s shop.   Grobek remembers selling the transponder and provides the information after being paid a bribe. He reveals that he sold it to a female Twi’lek named Xora Fel who is known to be a lounge singer in the Rii Jenks cantina on the planet Formos. As the crew leaves, Malia informs them that she was able to get a lead on her missing freighter and wishes them luck in capturing Dai Danu.   The crew travels to Formos and finds Xora Fel performing at the cantina. Kalis wants to go talk to her, but Breiya just wants to follow her home to remain inconspicuous. During the show, a nearby table continues acts rude and rowdy towards Xora. After the show, Xora is accosted by Bandin Dobah and his fellow pirates. Kalis steps in between Bandin and Xora. Xora is impressed with Kalis’ presence. The pirates refuse to back down and a brawl breaks out. During the fighting, the stage catches fire. Xora starts to flee in the confusion, but her growing admiration causes her to stay and hide behind a bar. After most of the cantina is burning, the crew escapes with Xora. She informs them that she is Dai Danu’s girlfriend. Or at least he was. She was very enamored how Kalis stood up for her, something Dai never did. Now she is more than happy to turn him in for the bounty. Especially now that she is interested in Kalis.   Session 2.0 Xora states that the last time she spoke to Dai, he was stealing ships to get parts to build his own starship to create a super fast ship he can use to aid in his heists. He is almost finished but he needs oridium, so he headed to the Oridelve oridium mine on the planet Gavos to steal some raw oridium to use like a permanent nitrous system for his ship.   Gavos is covered in gaseous storm clouds. The mine is surrounded by a protective field that separates the stormy weather from the mine. After landing on Gavos, they find that the mine appears to be deserted, though they do find possible signs of violence: scorch marks and blood stains. Kalis and Breiya take an oaken table back into the Summerhawk. They also take a holotable but break it while removing it. They will need to find parts to repair it. An automated message announcing that Storm Barrier Generator Four has been compromised but that all other units are compensating effectively.   In the mine’s canteen, they find four dead human bodies slumped around a table and a chef droid that does not appear to notice that anything is wrong. On further exploration of the mine, they find the living quarters and what appears to be an overseer’s office. A deactivated droid is seated at a large conference table. Saun Te presses buttons to no avail. Mirlon is back in the canteen trying to talk to the chef droid. Kalis removes the droid’s restraining bolt. The droid awakens and identifies himself as 3D-4K, the administrative droid for the mine. The mine is currently owned by Bargos the Hutt. 3D-4K agreed to meet EV-8D3 to discuss droid performance. He does not remember anything after that.   Mirlon arrives and clambers on top of 3D-4K to see if he can restore the droid’s memory. After Breiya and Kalis convince Mirlon to climb down from the perplexed droid, 3D-4K runs a self-diagnostic. Everything appears to be in order. Kalis finds a dead Trandoshan in the refresher.   Resuming their exploration of the mine, they come upon an FX-series medical droid which appears to be malfunctioning. Mirlon again climbs on the droid to try and fix it, but the droid goes into defensive mode. Mirlon tries to disable the droid, but the droid breaks Mirlon’s tools. Breiya manages to deescalate things.   Moving on past the medical droid, the crew makes their way to the secondary landing platform where a slim freighter is docked with the landing platform extended. Boarding and exploring the freighter, they find that the freighter has been stripped down of all nonessentials, leaving essentially a cockpit and a cargo hold. There are a few empty cargo boxes, but closer inspection reveals that they once contained weapons. There is a puddle of blood near the base of the boarding ramp that trails off behind some nearby stacked crates. Behind the crates is the body of a human dressed in mining gear, their beam drill clutched in their hands. His chest is torn up and there are slash marks across his chest.   Session 3.0 After finding Dai Danu’s freighter on the cargo landing pad, the crew continues their exploration of the mine complex. They enter a workshop that includes a workbench, an oil bath for the droids, and a small smelting plant complete with furnace and cooling racks. While inspecting the oil bath, the body of a human female floats to the surface. The group picks up some glow rods and restraining bolts from the workbench. Breiya takes the glow rod.   As they approach what appears to be the entrance to mine itself, they find a group of about ten droids. Most of the droids appear to be moving boxes and heavy crates to the mine entrance under the direction of an EV-series supervisor droid. The crew asks the droids what has happened. The EV droid explains that pirates attacked the base. They killed most of the miners but did not bother with the droids. He says the pirates were after the oridium and credits located deeper in the mine. The crew hops in a mine speeder and heads into the mine. As they enter the tunnel, the automated message reports that Storm Barrier Generator Five has been compromised but all other units are compensating effectively.   After about 10 minutes they come upon a large cavern with several mining tunnels spoking out along its edges. In the center of the cavern is a large building. Mirlon accesses a nearby computer terminal and hacks into the building’s security cameras. The building is a way station that serves as a cafeteria and break room for miners while they are on their extended shifts. Viewing the camera feed, they see what looks to be about a dozen miners, based on their attire, and a Sullustan dressed in black sitting on the floor and being held at bay by a pair of miners with their laser drills aimed at him. Xora, looking over Mirlon’s shoulder, confirms that the Sullustan is Dai Danu. Mirlon begins talking to the miner’s over the way station’s comm system. The miners want to know how the crew got past the droids. Mirlon relays the story of the pirates that the droids told them. The head miner states that there are no pirates. The droids are taking over the mines using weapons supplied to them by Dai Danu. In return, Dai was supposed to be given refined oridium to use as fuel for his freighter. However, he was double crossed by the droids who tried to kill him as soon as they had their weapons. Dai escaped into the mines when the chaos erupted. Shortly before Dai reached the way station, one of the miners (the one who ended up shot and drowned in the oil bath) contacted the miners to fill them in on the situation. Dai arrived moments later to confirm the situation. The miners have been holed up in the way station ever since, listening to the co-workers and friends dying over the comm systems. As the miners wrap up their tale, the automated message comes on again saying that Storm Barrier Generator Six has been compromised, but all remaining units are compensating effectively.   The miners begin panicking and explain that there are eight storm generators. Only four are required to keep the planet’s storms from tearing the mine apart and the other four are a double redundancy. The miners suspect that the droids are attempting to disable the generators and let the storm finish off the miners while they get away in Dai’s ship. The crew offers to help stop the droids in return for having Dai Danu handed over to them. They pile back into the speeder and drive back up the mine shaft.   At the mine entrance, the droids have been stacking crates to block any exit for the miners. The crew begin blasting the droids who return fire. Kalis jumps out of the speeder and begins engaging with one of the load lifters. The smaller PK droids race forward and attack Saun Te and Mirlon. Breiya targets the B1 Battle droids while the unarmed Xora ducks for cover in the speeder. After a quick skirmish they defeat the droids. Their leader, the supervisor droid EV-8D3, attempts to escape, but is chased down by Breiya and destroyed in the smelting pit.   As EV-8D3 melts in the insufferable heat, a warning that the seventh storm generator has been compromised and no redundancy remains breaks the silence. The crew races to the Summerhawk. Calculating a flight path based on the sequence of previously destroyed generators, Breiya easily intercepts the rogue droid and Kalis guns it down, saving the mine.   The crew fly back to the mine to collect Dai Danu.

Rewards Granted

30 XP

Missions/Quests Completed

The crew rescued the miners and captured their bounty.


The Trail of Blood and Oil arc spanned 3 sessions. From 3/11/21 - 5/13/21
Report Date
11 Mar 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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