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Twilight Dawning

General Summary

Session 4.0   As the crew boards Summerhawk with their quarry, Mirlon opts to stay behind to help put the droids back together. The ship takes off and heads for The Wheel, where the nearest branch of Sorosubb offices are located. The Wheel is nearly the polar opposite of Haven. Located near an intersection point of three different hyperspace lanes, it is home to many corporate offices for legitimate (and illegitimate) companies. The crew lands with no problem and makes their way to the offices of the Sorosuub Corporation with Dai Danu in tow to collect their bounty. As they traverse the busy corridors, Kalis hears a roar that she recognizes. Turning around, she sees an old travelling companion, Aggaaakk, the wookie. Aggaaak had been looking for ways to free her family from the vile clutches of Bargos the Hutt. Kalis invites Aggaaakk to join them and the rest of the crew complies, especially as they are in need of a technician after Mirlon departed. The Sorosuub public relations offices are rather small, considering the overall size of the company itself. A female Sullustan is seated behind a stark white desk, the Sorosuub logo emblazoned on the wall behind her. Hila Eder is receptionist. She looks up at the crew as they enter, shoving Dai Danu ahead of them. Saun Te explains they are here to collect the bounty. She introduces herself as Hila Eder and offers to pay the 5000 credit bounty. Saun Te negotiates for 11,000. Hila advises she can not authorize more, but she can put in a request. It will take 8-10 days for the extra payment to be approved. Kalis wants to go to supervisor's home to talk about it face to face and see if it will speed up the process. As they leave the Sorosuub offices, a red twilek spots Xora and calls out to her. It is her aunt Shira. She is happy to see Xora, but Xora does not seem overly excited to see Shira. Shira asks if Xora has come to the Wheel because of her sister. Xora wants to know what’s going on with her sister. Shira explains that her sister went missing on a salvage run. Xora demands to be taken to her father. Shira leads them to a small office with the name IsoTech on the door. A blue, male twi’lek sits at a small black desk at the back of the room. He has his head in hands as he stares at a computer screen, a frown etched across his face. “Reom,” Shira calls to him as she escorts the crew into the tiny office, “Xora’s here.” Reom looks up from his computer and his scowl turns to a smile as he jumps up from behind the desk and races to hug his daughter. Xora returns the hug, but obviously half-heartedly. She pushes her father back and asks, “What’s happened to Ryza?” Reom ignores her initial question and looks her up and down. “I didn't think you ever would come back!” Xora angrily repeats her question. Reom is visually taken aback, but quickly recovers. He explains that several weeks ago they found message pod that had a location of separatist capitol ship from the Banking Clan. It had gone missing during clones wars. If IsoTech could track it down and treasure truly is there, it would solve all their problems. Ryza wanted to lead mission. The team left and they reported when they landed but haven't heard from them since. over a week ago. Reom blames Xora for not being around. He says that if she had been here, Ryza wouldn’t have gone. Xora agrees that she will go search for Ryza. Shira looks at the rest of the crew and asks their profession. She assumes they are smugglers or bounty hunters or some kind of mercenary group. She offer 8000 to help Xora find Ryza. A rodian has been standing near entrance eavesdropping, when he notices Breiya he takes off. Breiya, kalis, and aggaaakk take off after him. While they leave, Saun Te gets the alert that the 6000 credit bounty negotiation was approved more than we thought for Dai Danu. The money still won’t be available for 8-10 days. The rodian narrowly escapes his pursuit by ducking down an alley way behind a crowd, even though there was a cool ass chase.
  • Saun Te and Xora are told that the wreckage is located in the Cholganna system. Ryza took a team of 6 people to go out and investigate. They landed successfully, thought they had a visual, and that was the last contact they had. They are given coordinates of the planet, landing site, crash site, and directions that they took from starting point.
  • The last reported log entry is that they'd update at the end of the day. That update never came. While shopping for weapons, Kalis senses a woman in cloak watching her. She has blue skin. Kalis tries to engage her, but loses her in the crowd. Kalis offers to buy Aggaaakk a weapon. Saun Te gets tall dark and handsome cloak. Additional spending takes place off screen. After stocking up on gear, the crew go back to ship. Aggaaakk fixes Summerhawk really well. There should be no strain on the systems for the rest of the arc. Exiting hyperspace, they find the planet surrounded by a dangerous nebula. Breiya is able to pilot through the nebula without damaging the ship, in part due to Aggaaakk’s repairs. Flying over the planet’s surface, they see what might be the wreckage and find the landing site for the Ryza’s salvage ship. Investigating the salvage ship reveals deep claw marks in the ship’s hull and a very eaten corpse of some kind. It is unidentifiable as humanoid or animal. There are several tracks leading away from the ship and into the jungle. Aggaaakk manages to get the salvage ship open, but it doesn't have anything interesting in it. The crew decides to follow the tracks into forest. The ground gradually gets more and more damp until it turns from dirt to swamp. After a few hours of trudging through the swamp, they find what looks to be metal showing above the waterline. Saun te hauls it out of the mire; it's salvage equipment. Suddenly, some blue/green lizard thing comes splashing through the water. It is about 4 1/2 foot tall, waving his arms frantically. Trees begin to splinter and break and a large dinosaur like creature comes lumbering out of the swamp. Everyone gets their weapons. Saun Te shoots the creature in its open maw, doing some minor damage. Breiya and Aggaaakk’s shots ricochet harmlessly off the beast. Kalis jumps on top of the lizard. The thing is 18 feet tall. She tries to drive her vibrosword into its skull, but it fails to penetrate the creature’s thick hide. The beast swipes at its back and Kalis gets flung off the creature and uses the dark side to not die for the fall. A single missile flies from the trees and hits the creature causing it to rear back in anger. A second missile again hits the creature and it finally runs away. A woman with blue skin and a clone comes out. “Hello, there!” says the woman.   Session 5.0   Breiya and Kalis talk to the two strangers, asking why they are here. While they are talking, the small lizard creature starts emiting a long, loud chirp. Breiya and Aggaaakk notice the water starting to move. About 20 very tall lizard creatures, about 6 feet tall, emerge from the swamp and surround everyone. They do not make any threatening movements. One had bronze headdress, gives commands to smaller one. They communicate back and forth in a language comprised of chirps and hand signals. The blue skinned woman watches the communication intently. The little one seems to be saying that he was saved by the crew. The big one bows to each of the newcomers. The little one begins pulling at Breiya's jacket. The blue-skinned woman claims she is able to decipher their language and begins to communicate with the small lizard. She says his name is Itzibitzi and the large one with the bronze headdress is called Kroq-Gar. Kalis tells blue-skinned woman they’re looking for Ryza, Xora's sister. Itzibitzi continues tugging on Breiya’s jacket. The ring of taller lizards opens, creating an exit path. The group follows Itzibitzi. The warrior lizards take up single file rank on either side of the travelers. As they walk, the blue-skinned woman introduces herself as Corellia Stormbringer and her companion, the clone, is named Shrapnel. Corellia is an archeologist in search of ancient relics. The journey through the jungle takes a little over an hour. The knee deep water of the swamp grows more and more shallow until the group finds themselves on solid, if moist and soft, ground. Night begins to fall. Before they realize it, they have come upon a sprawling city consisting of several large pyramids and one central, massive ziggurat. Itzibitzi communicates something to Corellia. She turns to everyone and announces: "Welcome to Lustria!" Lustria is alive with swarms of the small ones, called skinks who appear to be the administrators and artisans; the apparent medium-sized Saurus who obvious act as guardians, and the giant Kroxigar, who lumber about hauling materiel goods and are currently stacking large stones in the construction of a new pyramid. Kalis asks Itzibitzi what their culture is. Corellia translates the response as, "We are what the Slaan need us to be." Two other skinks approach, a green skink named Tinihuini, and a bright blue one with a red face is Lexlvexl. Itzibitzi excitedly begins telling exaggerated stories about his rescue. As Corellia translates, Kalis is pleased. After Itzibitzi finishes relaying his tale, all three skinks run off and the saurus guards trudge back to the swamp, leaving the group unattended. Kalis goes off looking for banquet. Following, Breiya comes upon a marketplace and is trying some of the fun, colorful fruit. It's pink and has a very sweet taste with just a tinge of a tangy aftertaste. Aggaaakk eats yellow fruit that tastes a bit like a banana. Kalis finds where banquet will take place, a plaza set between two of the four large pyramids that surround the central ziggurat. Additional saurus adorned with skulls for helmets stand in rows on the pyramids lower steps. Corellia stands between two of the Slann pyramids, staring at the ziggurat. It takes several efforts to break her attention. She gives vague answers regarding her interest in the pyramid. Before anyone can press her further, Itzibitzi arrives to take them to the banquet. Five very low and long banquet tables are set out. Everyone sits on the ground to eat. Everyone asks Itzibitzi questions about the Ssaa. He says they're all there cause of the Slann. They begin as hatchlings in the spawning pool, one of the Slann decides who they will be, and that's who they are when they emerge. They all must do what they were made to do or Lustria will fall. He explains that the smaller pyramids are living quarters. He adds that the Slann are all knowing and will know where Ryza is. Finally, a grey skink in headress comes out, high priest Tiq-Taq-To. Kalis is going to get Aggaaakk a headdress and Xora a necklace. The banquet lasts for about an hour. The slann is brought out on a pagoda carried by the skull-wearing saurus. He is a large, bloated. froglike thing. He is followed by three more. The fourth one wears gold mask on his face, the guards are bearing him have skulls with gold. Itzibitzi identifies him as Kroaak. The crew hears Kroaak speaking directly into their heads. He says they will find what they are looking for where the sun meets the mountain. They will take the group there in the morning. The Slann are taken back into the pyramids. Everyone is taken to one of the skink quarters for then night. Breiya and Xora are the only ones who don’t have to crouch. Kalis goes to look for a headdress and a necklace. She returns after remembering she can’t speak the Ssaa language. Corellia goes out and returns with a headdress for Aggaaakk made of orange, reds, and yellow flowers, a bronze necklace for Xora and four bracelets made of bronze for everyone else. -They group talks with Shrapnel and go to bed. They are awakened in the morning and leave city with Itzibitzi, Tinihuini, Lexlvexl, and Kroq-Gar as guides. Itzibitzi rides on kalis shoulder to walk through swamp. The group fights a swarm of arboreal octopuses in the swamp. The group approaches a small mountain as the sun begins to set. The mountain is really the wreckage of very big ship.   Session 6.0   The mountain has grown up around the wreckage. The ship is definitely older than a Separatist ship would be. As the crew approach a large opening in the side of the ship, they see a variety of footprints that are not more than a few days old. Examing the footprints reveal them to be roughly four pair of average size boots, one large pair of boots, likely from a Besalisk, and an insectile set of prints that are obviously from a Verpine. Dropping down into the ship, they find themselves on what appears to be a bridge control area. Most of the equipment has suffered severe damage; lots of obvious blaster points and some odd slashes where some of the controls have been seared off by some heated source. Rusted bits of armor and brittle, tattered cloth lay about in humanoid shapes. Aggaaakk looks for spare parts to sell "for something" or modify it. During Aggaaakk’s search, a cracked metal cylinder rolls drops and rolls by Kalis's feet. She reaches down to pick it up. Corellia shouts, “No, wait! Don’t!” But it is too late. Kalis touches the cylinder and suddenly green spectral entities appear around them. Everyone was scared about what's going on. The glowing ghosts are form into figures that appear to be going about their daily jobs, as if the ship is still intact. Blue spirits start to form. They come out of the sides of the walls. They're brandishing cylinders like Kalis found. Their cylinders grow in length and the tall masked figure draws two similar cylinders and puts them together, they grow. The masked figure begins fighting two of the blue ghosts. Their battle leads off the bridge into what appears to be a turbolift, where they vanish into the walls. Breiya realizes that the ghosts are alive and that everyone is witnessing a memory of some kind. Following the figures, Kalis sees several ropes tied to metal pikes driven into the ground, their ends draped down the turbolift. Kalis climbs down rope into another room filled with computer stuff. Aggaaakk climbs down next to check out electronics, but slips and falls down the rope. Breiya follows and also falls. Xora easily slides down the rope. Corellia and Shrapnel also scale down the rope. Aggaaak believes she had found enough parts from various cylinders that she might be able to repair the cylinder Kalis found. As the crew examines the computer room, which appears to have been a security room of some kind with broken monitors, computer consoles, and lots of blaster and lightsaber damage, more spirits appear! Again, they go about their jobs as if they were still alive. The masked spirit and the two blue spirits, one short and one tall, emerge from the turbolift, still locked in combat. The two blue spirits, one tall one short, back out through wall. The taller masked one is bearing down on the little one. The spirits move through everyone. Kalis touches them. They feel like smoke and ghostly tendrils separate from their bodies and reform after they pass through. Xora chases the spirit, we follow. Corellia begins to speak, but Aggaaakk cuts her off, telling everyone this is not a separatist ship. It's possibly a thousand years old, dates back to the ancient sith wars. When they were at the height of their power trying to take over the republic. She's not sure but she would say the masked person was Darth Jadus. Darth Jadis was one of the three Sith lords trying to conquer the galaxy. he went missing and his fate was never learned of. Corellia stares at Aggaaakk. “Yes. That’s all very accurate. That’s what I was about to tell you all.” Aggaaakk shrugs, “I studied the Sith War. Kind of a hobby.” Everyone moves down hall to a large hole in the floor. The figures pass over it and continue down to the other side. Jadus seems to be getting upper hand and he cuts the smaller spirit in half. The spirits disappear through one of the doors down the hall. As the crew contemplates their next move, a voice comes from out of the hole, asking for help. The voice claims to be part of a scavenging team. Looking into the hole, the crew sees, about 5-6 feet down, a Rodian dangling upside down, tangled up in series of wires. Beyond that, the hole continues down a bit for another two levels. Kalis hauls the Rodian up out of the hole, though the effort seems easier than it should. She is startled to see Corellia standing directly behind her. “Good job,” Corellia says, patting Kalis on the back. Ijjitar was part of the crew that Ryza was with. Breiya uses a broken off ladder from the turbolift to lay across the gap. Each crew member crosses to the other side using various means. Kalis uses a pole to brace herself as she runs across the wall. Aggaak leaps across. Xora crosses, but the ladder shifts and falls sideways. Breiya crosses successfully, but the ladder drops down the hole. Shrapnel attempts to leap across, but slips on the edge of the gap and starts to tumble backward. Before anyone can react, Corellia is across the gap and hauls Shrapnel to safety. Opening the doors down the extended hallway reveals dusty bunks and rusted footlockers. Obviously some kind of crew quarters. The next set of rooms are practically identical to the first two. Kalis hears whipers in head. “I know you. I am here. Come find me.” Kalis moves to the next set of rooms. The room on the right has an actual bed, much larger than the others, and what may have been a desk. the room is in pretty shabby shape. As Kalis steps in, Jadus and blue spirit appear. The room becomes a whirlwind of the spirits fighting as they're moving so fast. The blue one vanishes in a puff of smoke. It happened so quickly, she doesn't see what happened. Jadus’ lightsaber shrinks and he walks over to a panel in the wall. His hand enters the wall, comes back out, and his spirit vanishes. Kalis reaches into the panel and retrieves a sith holocron. Corellia Stormbringer reveals herself as a Jedi and uses the force and offers to train kalis if she will leave the holocron alone Breiya notices the footprints from the salvage team are not on this side of the hole. The crew agrees to climb down the hole. Kalis and Breiya begin climbing down the hole. Their handholds and footholds slip and the begin falling. They grasp for the edge of bottom of the hole, but the miss. They fall another seventy feet before suddenly stopping a few feet above the ground. Above them, they see Corellia with her hand outstretched, using the Force to save them. After everyone is safely on the ground, they realize they are in a massive hanger. There are disheveled crates and star fighters scattered across the hangar. Xora begins screaming. There are three crumpled bodies lying on the floor. One is very large, with four arms and big boots. Another has prunish face, big brain. The third is a Verpine. Breiya examines them and determines that they died from fall. She also perceives a trail of blood leading away from the fall. Xora identifies the crew as members of her father’s salvage team. Breiya follows the blood trail another body, similar to big brain one. She also notices, though its hard to tell, a foot print or long line in the dust with single foot and maybe a… knee print? With hand prints scattered here and there. Breiya and Aggaaakk follow the new trail and find a green Twi'lek woman lying face down! Breiya uses meds on her to stabilize her condition. Kalis leads Xora to her sister. Xora embraces her and the two begin weakly bickering. Xora’s tears turn to a choking laughter. Corellia uses the Force to move ships, finds shoebox sized chest. They convert the ladder into a stretcher for Ryza. With help from Corellia, they get Ryza back up to the main bridge where they entered. As they exit the ship they find themselves surrounded by several Rodians with weapons pointed at them. 5.0   Breiya and Kalis talk to the two strangers, asking why they are here. While they are talking, the small lizard creature starts emiting a long, loud chirp. Breiya and Aggaaakk notice the water starting to move. About 20 very tall lizard creatures, about 6 feet tall, emerge from the swamp and surround everyone. They do not make any threatening movements. One had bronze headdress, gives commands to smaller one. They communicate back and forth in a language comprised of chirps and hand signals. The blue skinned woman watches the communication intently. The little one seems to be saying that he was saved by the crew. The big one bows to each of the newcomers. The little one begins pulling at Breiya's jacket. The blue-skinned woman claims she is able to decipher their language and begins to communicate with the small lizard. She says his name is Itzibitzi and the large one with the bronze headdress is called Kroq-Gar. Kalis tells blue-skinned woman they’re looking for Ryza, Xora's sister. Itzibitzi continues tugging on Breiya’s jacket. The ring of taller lizards opens, creating an exit path. The group follows Itzibitzi. The warrior lizards take up single file rank on either side of the travelers. As they walk, the blue-skinned woman introduces herself as Corellia Stormbringer and her companion, the clone, is named Shrapnel. Corellia is an archeologist in search of ancient relics. The journey through the jungle takes a little over an hour. The knee deep water of the swamp grows more and more shallow until the group finds themselves on solid, if moist and soft, ground. Night begins to fall. Before they realize it, they have come upon a sprawling city consisting of several large pyramids and one central, massive ziggurat. Itzibitzi communicates something to Corellia. She turns to everyone and announces: "Welcome to Lustria!" Lustria is alive with swarms of the small ones, called skinks who appear to be the administrators and artisans; the apparent medium-sized Saurus who obvious act as guardians, and the giant Kroxigar, who lumber about hauling materiel goods and are currently stacking large stones in the construction of a new pyramid. Kalis asks Itzibitzi what their culture is. Corellia translates the response as, "We are what the Slaan need us to be." Two other skinks approach, a green skink named Tinihuini, and a bright blue one with a red face is Lexlvexl. Itzibitzi excitedly begins telling exaggerated stories about his rescue. As Corellia translates, Kalis is pleased. After Itzibitzi finishes relaying his tale, all three skinks run off and the saurus guards trudge back to the swamp, leaving the group unattended. Kalis goes off looking for banquet. Following, Breiya comes upon a marketplace and is trying some of the fun, colorful fruit. It's pink and has a very sweet taste with just a tinge of a tangy aftertaste. Aggaaakk eats yellow fruit that tastes a bit like a banana. Kalis finds where banquet will take place, a plaza set between two of the four large pyramids that surround the central ziggurat. Additional saurus adorned with skulls for helmets stand in rows on the pyramids lower steps. Corellia stands between two of the Slann pyramids, staring at the ziggurat. It takes several efforts to break her attention. She gives vague answers regarding her interest in the pyramid. Before anyone can press her further, Itzibitzi arrives to take them to the banquet. Five very low and long banquet tables are set out. Everyone sits on the ground to eat. Everyone asks Itzibitzi questions about the Ssaa. He says they're all there cause of the Slann. They begin as hatchlings in the spawning pool, one of the Slann decides who they will be, and that's who they are when they emerge. They all must do what they were made to do or Lustria will fall. He explains that the smaller pyramids are living quarters. He adds that the Slann are all knowing and will know where Ryza is. Finally, a grey skink in headress comes out, high priest Tiq-Taq-To. Kalis is going to get Aggaaakk a headdress and Xora a necklace. The banquet lasts for about an hour. The slann is brought out on a pagoda carried by the skull-wearing saurus. He is a large, bloated. froglike thing. He is followed by three more. The fourth one wears gold mask on his face, the guards are bearing him have skulls with gold. Itzibitzi identifies him as Kroaak. The crew hears Kroaak speaking directly into their heads. He says they will find what they are looking for where the sun meets the mountain. They will take the group there in the morning. The Slann are taken back into the pyramids. Everyone is taken to one of the skink quarters for then night. Breiya and Xora are the only ones who don’t have to crouch. Kalis goes to look for a headdress and a necklace. She returns after remembering she can’t speak the Ssaa language. Corellia goes out and returns with a headdress for Aggaaakk made of orange, reds, and yellow flowers, a bronze necklace for Xora and four bracelets made of bronze for everyone else. -They group talks with Shrapnel and go to bed. They are awakened in the morning and leave city with Itzibitzi, Tinihuini, Lexlvexl, and Kroq-Gar as guides. Itzibitzi rides on kalis shoulder to walk through swamp. The group fights a swarm of arboreal octopuses in the swamp. The group approaches a small mountain as the sun begins to set. The mountain is really the wreckage of very big ship.   Session 6.0   The mountain has grown up around the wreckage. The ship is definitely older than a Separatist ship would be. As the crew approach a large opening in the side of the ship, they see a variety of footprints that are not more than a few days old. Examing the footprints reveal them to be roughly four pair of average size boots, one large pair of boots, likely from a Besalisk, and an insectile set of prints that are obviously from a Verpine. Dropping down into the ship, they find themselves on what appears to be a bridge control area. Most of the equipment has suffered severe damage; lots of obvious blaster points and some odd slashes where some of the controls have been seared off by some heated source. Rusted bits of armor and brittle, tattered cloth lay about in humanoid shapes. Aggaaakk looks for spare parts to sell "for something" or modify it. During Aggaaakk’s search, a cracked metal cylinder rolls drops and rolls by Kalis's feet. She reaches down to pick it up. Corellia shouts, “No, wait! Don’t!” But it is too late. Kalis touches the cylinder and suddenly green spectral entities appear around them. Everyone was scared about what's going on. The glowing ghosts are form into figures that appear to be going about their daily jobs, as if the ship is still intact. Blue spirits start to form. They come out of the sides of the walls. They're brandishing cylinders like Kalis found. Their cylinders grow in length and the tall masked figure draws two similar cylinders and puts them together, they grow. The masked figure begins fighting two of the blue ghosts. Their battle leads off the bridge into what appears to be a turbolift, where they vanish into the walls. Breiya realizes that the ghosts are alive and that everyone is witnessing a memory of some kind. Following the figures, Kalis sees several ropes tied to metal pikes driven into the ground, their ends draped down the turbolift. Kalis climbs down rope into another room filled with computer stuff. Aggaaakk climbs down next to check out electronics, but slips and falls down the rope. Breiya follows and also falls. Xora easily slides down the rope. Corellia and Shrapnel also scale down the rope. Aggaaak believes she had found enough parts from various cylinders that she might be able to repair the cylinder Kalis found. As the crew examines the computer room, which appears to have been a security room of some kind with broken monitors, computer consoles, and lots of blaster and lightsaber damage, more spirits appear! Again, they go about their jobs as if they were still alive. The masked spirit and the two blue spirits, one short and one tall, emerge from the turbolift, still locked in combat. The two blue spirits, one tall one short, back out through wall. The taller masked one is bearing down on the little one. The spirits move through everyone. Kalis touches them. They feel like smoke and ghostly tendrils separate from their bodies and reform after they pass through. Xora chases the spirit, we follow. Corellia begins to speak, but Aggaaakk cuts her off, telling everyone this is not a separatist ship. It's possibly a thousand years old, dates back to the ancient sith wars. When they were at the height of their power trying to take over the republic. She's not sure but she would say the masked person was Darth Jadus. Darth Jadis was one of the three Sith lords trying to conquer the galaxy. he went missing and his fate was never learned of. Corellia stares at Aggaaakk. “Yes. That’s all very accurate. That’s what I was about to tell you all.” Aggaaakk shrugs, “I studied the Sith War. Kind of a hobby.” Everyone moves down hall to a large hole in the floor. The figures pass over it and continue down to the other side. Jadus seems to be getting upper hand and he cuts the smaller spirit in half. The spirits disappear through one of the doors down the hall. As the crew contemplates their next move, a voice comes from out of the hole, asking for help. The voice claims to be part of a scavenging team. Looking into the hole, the crew sees, about 5-6 feet down, a Rodian dangling upside down, tangled up in series of wires. Beyond that, the hole continues down a bit for another two levels. Kalis hauls the Rodian up out of the hole, though the effort seems easier than it should. She is startled to see Corellia standing directly behind her. “Good job,” Corellia says, patting Kalis on the back. Ijjitar was part of the crew that Ryza was with. Breiya uses a broken off ladder from the turbolift to lay across the gap. Each crew member crosses to the other side using various means. Kalis uses a pole to brace herself as she runs across the wall. Aggaak leaps across. Xora crosses, but the ladder shifts and falls sideways. Breiya crosses successfully, but the ladder drops down the hole. Shrapnel attempts to leap across, but slips on the edge of the gap and starts to tumble backward. Before anyone can react, Corellia is across the gap and hauls Shrapnel to safety. Opening the doors down the extended hallway reveals dusty bunks and rusted footlockers. Obviously some kind of crew quarters. The next set of rooms are practically identical to the first two. Kalis hears whipers in head. “I know you. I am here. Come find me.” Kalis moves to the next set of rooms. The room on the right has an actual bed, much larger than the others, and what may have been a desk. the room is in pretty shabby shape. As Kalis steps in, Jadus and blue spirit appear. The room becomes a whirlwind of the spirits fighting as they're moving so fast. The blue one vanishes in a puff of smoke. It happened so quickly, she doesn't see what happened. Jadus’ lightsaber shrinks and he walks over to a panel in the wall. His hand enters the wall, comes back out, and his spirit vanishes. Kalis reaches into the panel and retrieves a sith holocron. Corellia Stormbringer reveals herself as a Jedi and uses the force and offers to train kalis if she will leave the holocron alone Breiya notices the footprints from the salvage team are not on this side of the hole. The crew agrees to climb down the hole. Kalis and Breiya begin climbing down the hole. Their handholds and footholds slip and the begin falling. They grasp for the edge of bottom of the hole, but the miss. They fall another seventy feet before suddenly stopping a few feet above the ground. Above them, they see Corellia with her hand outstretched, using the Force to save them. After everyone is safely on the ground, they realize they are in a massive hanger. There are disheveled crates and star fighters scattered across the hangar. Xora begins screaming. There are three crumpled bodies lying on the floor. One is very large, with four arms and big boots. Another has prunish face, big brain. The third is a Verpine. Breiya examines them and determines that they died from fall. She also perceives a trail of blood leading away from the fall. Xora identifies the crew as members of her father’s salvage team. Breiya follows the blood trail another body, similar to big brain one. She also notices, though its hard to tell, a foot print or long line in the dust with single foot and maybe a… knee print? With hand prints scattered here and there. Breiya and Aggaaakk follow the new trail and find a green Twi'lek woman lying face down! Breiya uses meds on her to stabilize her condition. Kalis leads Xora to her sister. Xora embraces her and the two begin weakly bickering. Xora’s tears turn to a choking laughter. Corellia uses the Force to move ships, finds shoebox sized chest. They convert the ladder into a stretcher for Ryza. With help from Corellia, they get Ryza back up to the main bridge where they entered. As they exit the ship they find themselves surrounded by several Rodians with weapons pointed at them.
    Report Date
    08 Jul 2021
    Secondary Location

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