Hakovi Character in Starfinder | World Anvil
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Grown up on the rocky moon Elindrae with his mother Iva, father Zho and two rowdy little twin sisters Tiz & Taz. Hakovi was taught very early in his life about the value of creation, and tinkering with machinery while helping his parents run the spaceports' local scrapyard. It was a modest household, but they had everything they needed to get by each other.   He had a natural talent for the arcane and would be able to perform simple cantrips at a young age which allowed him to make several friends in the neighbourhood. With his creative mind and token spells, he could even bring a small crowd, but this newfound attention to him was both surprising and scary at the same time which cause him instinctively to tone it down and just bring it up on rare occasions. When not being out playing with his friends or spending time helping the family he started to collect suitable parts around the yard and built any kinds of things you can imagine that are possible with a few lumps of scrap. At just ten years old he finished his first own proper creation in the form of a junk bot to help his father fetch spare parts around the yard and other simple tasks to make their life easier.   It was well needed as once the sisters started to get older more time was spent getting them out of trouble in the nearby town. The list of crimes ranged all from thievery and scams to stealing a nobles spaceship even before their teens when Hakovi left for Castrovel to focus on his academics.   He never heard much of them after that. All he knew was that they had left home after a huge fight during his studies and that they'd left the moon on a smuggler's vessel to try their luck in the world, most likely not in a lawful manner if he would make an educated guess. He stayed for a little while with his parents after being away for several years of training in science and mysticism, but his longing for discovery and more knowledge was stuck in his mind. And just half a year later he too left Castrovel entirely.   During his studies, he took a special interest in the life sciences and would often use his free time to explore the colleges' nearby jungles for exotic flora and fauna. This interest was kept up during his travels and the opportunities for new discoveries were more important than having luxurious commodities so sometimes money could be tight.   But being well-travelled and accustomed to the dangerous environment that is his home planet had its golden moments as well since he was able on occasion to get a hold of a rare specimen that would go for a pretty hefty sum at the market on his next destination.   After an expedition in the swamps of Rtachuuva, he arrives at the spaceport on Suskillon looking for his next adventure..
True Neutral
Date of Birth
20'th of Desnus
Short Bronze-coloured hair with a thick beard.
160 lbs
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