Jaldamarrak Character in Starfinder | World Anvil
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Major Jaldamarrak

"I am your new commanding officer, Jaldamarrak, and I was killing Swarm before you were clutching your mother’s tails. I know more about this enemy than every soft-skin general in this system, and I know for a fact we are losing this war. You’ve probably heard that over the last seven days, the Swarm has retreated from three smaller cities to the east of Brinnoa, and the media and the SDF alike are calling this a turning point for the war, but I know better. Those vexers are up to something, and I’m not letting the Fifth Battalion get caught with their spacesuits around their ankles. You’re now part of what I’m calling the Midnight Squad. For your first assignment, you’ll patrol the Delta Escarpment a few miles west of Camp Cavalier from sundown to sun-up and report back with any unusual activity. Any questions?”

Jaldamarrak was no stranger to battle. He was one of many in 291 AG to defend the Veskarium against the swarm. While he was not very popular amongst his Vesk comrades, since he had voiced out support for an alliance with The Pact Worlds years before the temporary alliance was set, he was still honoured as a strong and component fighter. The Veskarium & The Pact Worlds temporary alliance had him and many other Vesk sent out to defend against attacks from The Swarm. When Major Jaldamarrak joined the SDF at the beginning of the Swarm invasion, he insisted on being given the rank of private and has worked his way up to his current position in a short period of time. He has been heard to say that fighting against the Swarm is his true purpose in life.   In 319 AG he was leading the Fifth Battalion against the swarm on the planet of Suskillon, which would be where he finally met his end. He went out in a blaze of glory, fighting off the swarm with his intestines hanging out whilst sending Midnight Squad away to safety.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Jaldamarrak was one of a few vesk given the Starstone Medal—one of the Pact Worlds’ highest military decorations—for fighting the Swarm during its attack on the Pact Worlds and the Veskarium. Credible rumors say that he turned down an offer to join the Knights of Golarion after the hostilities ended
Neutral Good
Date of Death
23'rd of Abadius
257 AG 319 AG 62 years old
Circumstances of Death
Fighting The Swarm
Place of Death
Quotes & Catchphrases
“You all fall back. I’ll provide covering fire. I aim to break two hundred confirmed kills before I die! That’s an order, soldiers! Cross the river before they drop the bridges, and I’ll see you on the other side!" - Jaldamarrak, the last time he was seen alive.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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