Karamash Character in Starfinder | World Anvil
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Karamash-Reim-Keh Zheyamis-Remorin

Born in Castrovel; into a family of five brothers and two sisters: The Zheymais-Remorin family are a well-known financial contributor to the city-state of Gahaga (One of the most prosperous city-states in the southern hemisphere of Castrovel.). Being the youngest in his family, he had a tough upbringing of non-stop “talks” about what he was “supposed” to do when he grew up, just to not bring shame upon the oh, so holy name of Zheyamis-Remorin.   Always surpassed by his siblings in all fields, he could never compete with all seven of them in any way; not to speak of his extended family of over 200 different individuals just on his homeworld. The Zheymais-Remorin does have a rabbit as their family crest after all, which says a lot.   From a very young age, Karamash loved to cause trouble. He once fooled his teacher, parents and principal into believing that a fire elemental had broken into the school bathroom and burned a toilet stall. As Karamash grew older, he understood that his problem-causing behaviour would one day land him into deeper water than he could swim. He swore to himself that he’d stop causing mayhem wherever he went. After one last prank of course; the crown jewel of his achievements of destruction if you will.   So, he and his best friend; Temoda (Another son of a rich and famous family, a lonely child who had no other friends than Karamash.): Came up with a cunning plan. They would make everyone believe that the city-state of Lempucho, their nearest neighbour, had long planned to recruit the Gahagans to their mercenary army that had terrorized the eastern parts of the Gahagan great plain. The twist would be that they’d rally a whole bunch of people and make them go out on a wild goose chase, ending in a crescendo of confusion as they sprayed everyone with sprayflesh. It would be glorious. All of this would happen on the day of their graduation, as a goodbye to their chaotic childhoods.   The problem was however that the innocent articles that were printed in the college newspaper, written with an obvious satirical angle, were taken extremely seriously. Both Temoda and Karamash were expelled, arrested and charged with treason, although thanks to their connections, one could say that they came away scot-free. On the other hand, thanks to the great disrespect that Karamash had brought upon his family, his father disowned him and kicked him out at the age of 20.   Since then, Karamash roamed Castrovel, from city-state to city-state, never settling. He wandered for about two years until one day; when he found an old tome in the wilderness. The tome in question didn’t just look old but more like a museum piece that Karamash had seen in his youth. As Karamash tried to interpret the tome while turning the pages, he heard a voice in his head that at first sounded like grumbling noises and then made sense to him. The more Karamash understood what the voice was whispering to him, the more the tome broke until there was no more but dust and silence remain.   In the coming days, as Karamash neared another settlement, he thought long about his experience in the jungle. The feeling of dread never left him. Karamash decided there and then that he’d stay in the next coming settlement to find work.     Luck was on Karamash’s side that day, as the nearest starport required new workers. It was an opportunity to both travel and learn something new, after a couple of years of working as a starship attendant, Karamash had learned basically all of the common languages spoken around him.   One day, someone had dropped a flier while off-boarding, the flier was about the war on Absalom: “UNITE! THE SDF PROMISES GREATNESS!”. It spoke to Karamash somehow. Maybe, just maybe, his family would accept him again if he was a proven warrior. Nay. A hero.   He signed up to the nearest SDF recruitment station and hoped for a new start. If only he knew what he’d see on Absalom. If only.
Date of Birth
20'th of Rova
Year of Birth
283 AG 36 Years old
Very dark brown, almost black
It's mostly short, shaven, black AF
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Grey-ish skin colour
5'3 feet
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