Queek Character in Starfinder | World Anvil
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"Let not your world fall to these fifth columners. Watch each other, watch your neighbours. Harden your hearts, now is the time for strength! The reckoners would sell out you and your children to the swarm!" - Queek on the Boobrah Binfrey show

Career trooper, war criminal, pseudo-dictator & trophy hunter. These are the things that define the murderous war-hungry career trooper Queek. In 319 AG he joined the Suskillon Defense Force and helped them defend their planet against the swarm invasion. Sadly, the planetary destruction made it so it was impossible to push back the swarm. This did not bother Queek in the slightest. He got to kill, murder, kill, murder, kidnap, kill and KILL!   While Queek is often seen as an insanely dangerous Ysoki with a hunger to inflict harm to both allies and enemies, he has shown to have a reasonable side as well. He enjoys drilling military trainees into doing better. This gives him the satisfaction of seeing privateers improve because of his demand for perfection & he gets to yell & undermine people.   After the fall of Suskillon, Queek was still a part of the Suskillon Defense Force & got to join a special elite squad called S.I.M.P squad, where he, sees himself as the leader. The squad goes on suicide esque missions in order to find something, anything that can help the galaxy stop the swarm.
Neutral Evil
Current Status
With S.I.M.P squad, dealing with the Swarm Threat looming over The Pact Worlds
Date of Birth
25'th of Abadius
Year of Birth
279 AG 40 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
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