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Agathions, who have humanoid forms with animal aspects, form from the souls of mortals who reached an enlightened state and became infused with holy power. Most remain content to meditate and explore their home plane of Nirvana, but many others visit the Material Plane to combat evil, especially evil that threatens the natural world.   VICUNAL Four-armed and four-eyed vicunals resemble Ruthigs and share ruthigs’ preference for traveling in groups. This variation of herd mentality makes vicunals intuitive therapists who tirelessly attend to their companions’ physical and emotional injuries. Despite their tenacity and indefatigable skirmishing tactics, these agathions struggle to overcome powerful foes. In these cases, vicunals typically recruit mortal agents willing to and capable of neutralizing the evil.   CLAUSTRAL Maned claustrals resemble the predatory Eohis of the Nejeor system, expressing much of eohis’ love of pursuing and hounding their targets. However, claustrals almost never hunt to kill, instead patrolling cityscapes to protect their adopted fauna or neutralize deadly beasts. Although they take pains to warn negligent urbanites who inadvertently harm animals, claustrals often respond with violence to subdue or even kill serial abusers, such as those who run beast-fighting circuits. To claustrals’ chagrin, these brief rampages can spur rumors of an escaped beast, attracting bounty hunters who hope to slay the mysterious creature.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level


As an extension of their supernatural healing abilities, agathions have developed specialized medicines infused with the holy properties of Nirvana.  


An insulivate moderates electrical impulses, channeling excess energy safely out of the body.  


A revitilate contains a spark of Nirvana’s vitality that activates when it senses death is near.
Agathion, Vicunal
Agathion, Claustral

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