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Aqlaths resemble shaggy, humanoid boars with large tusks and three legs. As the predominant species on Lathlath IV, these creatures have adapted to the perpetual winter caused by the inhospitable planet’s distant position from its sun. Aqlaths value physical might and insight, and over thousands of generations, their people have grown strong and developed powerful communal bonds. Good sites to build large cities on Lathlath are rare; yet long ago, aqlaths learned to hew the permafrost and stone of their cold world, working together to create settlements and fortifications. Aqlaths warm their buildings by tapping into geothermal heat beneath the thick planetary crust. Centuries of digging for heat have made aqlaths skilled miners, and they’ve learned that the crust of their world contains many rare and valuable elements. Their sudden arrival in interplanetary trading markets has attracted many enemies who wish to subjugate the aqlaths and steal their planet’s wealth—including sivvs.   Even a young aqlath towers several feet taller than a human. Aqlaths grow ever larger as they age, reaching heights of 15 feet or more. As they mature, aqlaths develop psychic abilities that allow them to inflict their will on others. These abilities manifest as a crown of psychically charged bone horns sprouting from their furry heads. Larger aqlaths have bigger and more numerous horns, therefore possessing stronger psychic abilities. Only the most misanthropic aqlaths use their psychic abilities against others of their species; as with their great strength, aqlaths hone their mental powers only to defend their world against alien aggressors.

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