Hobbe Hound Species in Starfinder | World Anvil
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Hobbe Hound

Though hobbe hounds vaguely resemble canines, they are actually a species of large, blunt-nosed rodents descended from creatures known as “goblin dogs” on Lost Golarion. Long ago, hobgoblins used alchemy and selective breeding to fashion their smaller cousins’ pets into sturdier and more ferocious stock for their warbands. The modern hobbe hound stands 4 feet tall at the shoulder and is 200 pounds of solid muscle. Most hobbe hounds are bred and trained to have vicious temperaments and to be loyal to only their hobgoblin keepers.   While many Hobgoblin societies—including the Gideron Authority—rely more on electronic means of surveillance and protection, hobbe hounds continue to be used in fighting rings and as recreational hunting animals. In addition, these fiercely loyal beasts have found roles in certain hobgoblin military units, guarding posts and tracking down deserters in places where technology is unreliable. Some hobgoblin researchers have tried to apply various cybernetic enhancements to hobbe hounds, but the creatures’ physiology often rejects such implants. This has led to a counterculture movement among fringe hobgoblins who believe that hobgoblins should return to their pure roots and reject all forms of artificial enhancements.

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