Hound of Tindalos Species in Starfinder | World Anvil
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Hound of Tindalos

Little is known about the Dimension of Time beyond the fact of its existence. Some speculate that more was known pre-Gap, but if this is true, that knowledge has been lost. Still extant, however, are the plane’s predators, the hounds of Tindalos.   These otherworldly hunters are outsiders in the truest sense. Scientists speculate the hounds dwell among the angles of time, whereas other life dwells on its curves. As a result, the hounds treat angles as doorways in the fabric of time and space. The hounds use these angles to come and go, first appearing like smoke, then scrabbling into reality.   The hounds enter the world to track down and slaughter those who have dared to test or go beyond the bounds of reality. Would-be time travelers and those who subvert the limits of time and space are their primary prey. Misuse of the Drift has also roused the hounds’ ire. Derelict vessels found with evidence of hound visitations lend truth to fearful tales of the creatures invading starships before they enter or after they exit The Drift. Within that plane, abandoned hulks have been boarded with hounds still trapped inside, unable to use their magic to escape the Drift.   Hounds of Tindalos also pursue Yithian, especially when a yithian is in a borrowed body and even more so during any long-term exchange. Speculation is that mind swapping offends the hounds, who see it as a method of transcending time and space. In the past, yithians attempted to mind swap with hounds but quickly learned such attempts were futile and sometimes fatal.   Tales are also told of enormous hounds, known as “things from beyond time,” manifesting in proximity to black holes. What draws the attention of these massive creatures is a mystery, but one story tells of such a hound entering a Vesk capital ship while it traveled home with an artifact taken from Vesk-2. Official reports say the craft was lost to Swarm scouts.   What “Tindalos” represents is another mystery. A few texts, such as Prekliken’s Book of Cults, refer to it as a location found on “the far side of time” that is guarded by the hounds. Other works claim Tindalos is a creature, such as a Great Old One. Still other scholarly pieces posit the word is from a lost language and means something akin to “apocalypse.”

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