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Elemental Lords

Fun facts!

  • The Elemental Lords and Zoris all have names ending in a different vowel followed by the letter S. Aequas ends in "as", Terres ends in "es", Zoris ends in "is", Venteos ends in "os", and Igneus ends in "us." Sorting by the last two letters of their names, Zoris is in the middle, a reference to his role in keeping them in check.
    • Additionally, Aequas and Terres' names come first in this ordering, each contain two syllables, and they are both female. Meanwhile, Venteos and Igneus' names come last, each contain three syllables, and are both male.
  • The Elemental Lords have powers associated with the classical elements, with Aequas controlling water, Terres controlling earth, Venteos controlling air, and Igneus controlling fire.
    • As Zoris is said to come from space, he could be taken to represent the fifth classical element, which could be aether, quintessence, sky, heaven, or void.
  • Muddy and Zana host lords of opposite gender, Aequas and Venteos respectively, whereas Earth Gem Girl and Aric host lords of the same gender, Terres and Igneus respectively.
Religious, Pantheon
Notable Members

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