Alter Corpse

Classes Mystic 2, Witchwarper 2
  School necromancy
  Casting Time 1 standard action
  Range touch
  Targets one corpse
  Duration instantaneous
  Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
  You cause a corpse to change to suit a narrative you choose. This spell can hide or create clues about how the corpse ended up in its current state, from closing wounds to evaporating chemicals in the cadaver’s system. However, the changes cannot be major, such as removing or restoring a limb, or stripping flesh from the skeleton. The spell is also unable to change the corpse’s identity.
  Anyone who examines the corpse can attempt a Perception check (DC = 10 + your caster level) to notice that the corpse’s condition (or lack thereof) seems manipulated, but success doesn’t allow the observer to determine what the corpse looked like before this spell was cast. Closely examining the corpse with a successful Medicine check (DC = 15 + your caster level) not only reveals what a successful Perception check does, but also reveals what the corpse looked like before this spell was cast.


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