Astral Construct

Discipline: Metacreativity; Level: Psion 1   Manifesting Time: 1 round   Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)   Effect: One created astral construct   Duration: 2 rounds plus 1 round/level (D)   Saving Throw: none; Power Resistance: no   Psi Points: 1   This power creates an astral construct out of solidified ectoplasm within range, which attacks your enemies. It acts immediately on your turn, and follows your mental commands (given as a free action) to the best of its ability.   The astral construct has the statistics of a mechanic’s Drone, as the class feature, with a level equal to your manifester level (maximum 2, but see below) and a chassis of your choice. It does not have Limited AI and does not receive mods other than its chassis. Instead, you select any one special ability from the Menu A, below. Even if it would pick multiple options (such as by augmenting this power), any given option can only be chosen once unless it says otherwise. The astral construct also possesses a slam attack, which deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage per four levels. When the astral construct comes into existence, you may have it do so equipped with one weapon in your possession (the weapon returns to you when the power expires).   You may only have one astral construct in existence, manifesting this power again causes the first to wink out of existence.  
Menu A
All Terrain: The astral construct gains a climb and swim speed equal to its land speed   Bonus Feat: The astral construct gains any one feat it qualifies for as a bonus feat. Unlike its base feats, this does not have to come from the list available to Drones. This option may be selected one additional time for every five manifester levels you posess (at 5, 10, etc).   Buff: The astral construct gains one bonus hit point per level.   Deflection: Add 2 to the astral construct’s EAC and KAC.   Might: Increase the damage of the astral construct’s melee attacks by one per level.   Skilled: The astral construct gains an additional skill unit. Utility: An astral construct with this ability is meant for things other than combat. It does not need to stay within Close range of the manifester, and can perform any task that requires a DC 10 or lower skill check. The duration becomes one hour per level, but the construct takes a -2 penalty to all attack rolls.   Vision: The astral construct gains low-light vision and darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
Menu B
Damage Reduction: The astral construct gains damage reduction equal to its base attack bonus.   Enhanced: Add four to any one physical ability score of the astral construct. This option may be selected more than once, but only once per ability score.   Fast Healing: The astral construct heals one point of damage per two levels per round.   Flight: The astral construct gains a fly speed equal to its land speed.   Poison: The astral construct’s slam attack delivers a potent neurotoxin. This is an injury dexterity poison with a frequency of once every two rounds for one minute and a fortitude save DC equal to 10+ 1/2 the astral construct’s level + its creators manifesting ability score modifier. It is cured by one successful save.   Reach: Increase the astral construct’s reach by 5 feet.
Menu C
Blindsight: The astral construct gains blindsight with a range of 60 feet.   Concussion: Once per turn as a swift action, the astral construct can manifest the concussive blast power with a manifester level of 8. It has a pool of psi points equal to four times your manifester level.   Natural Invisibility: The astral construct is invisible, even while attacking.   Repetition: You may choose any of the following abilities from menu A or B to take one more time, even if you have already chosen that option: Bonus Feat, Buff, Deflection, Fast Healing, Might, Reach, or Skilled. This may be taken more than once, but only once per option selected.   Augment: You can augment this power in any of the following ways:
  1. For every additional psi point you spend, increase the maximum level of the astral construct by 2 (it is still limited by your manifester level)
  2. For every 2 additional psi points you spend, you may choose an additional ability from Menu A
  3. For every 4 additional psi points you spend, you may choose an additional ability from Menu B. You must still have a manifester level of at least 7 to access this menu.
  4. For every 6 additional psi points you spend, you may choose an additional ability from Menu C. You must still have a manifester level of at least 13 to access this menu.
  5. If you expend your Psionic Focus, you may manifest this power as a standard action. When used this way, the duration is halved.


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