Blessing of Youth

Classes Precog 1-6
  School transmutation
  Casting Time 1 standard action
  Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
  Targets one living creature
  Duration instantaneous
  Saving Throw Will negates (harmless Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
  You rewind a living creature’s personal timeline to an earlier point in their life cycle, imbuing them with renewed vitality and restoring a number of Stamina Points. Blessing of youth ends the bleeding condition.
  Blessing of youth restores a number of Stamina Points and applies bonuses to your target depending on the spell’s level.
  1st: When you cast blessing of youth as a 1st-level spell, it restores 1d8 Stamina Points plus grants a +5-foot enhancement bonus to the target’s land speed for 1 round.
  2nd: When you cast blessing of youth as a 2nd-level spell, it restores 3d8 Stamina Points plus grants a +5-foot enhancement bonus to the target’s land speed for 2 rounds.
  3rd: When you cast blessing of youth as a 3rd-level spell, it restores 5d8 Stamina Points plus grants a +5-foot enhancement bonus to the target’s land speed for 3 rounds.
  4th: When you cast blessing of youth as a 4th-level spell, it restores 7d8 Stamina Points plus grants a +10-foot enhancement bonus to the target’s land speed for 4 rounds.
  5th: When you cast blessing of youth as a 5th-level spell, it restores 9d8 Stamina Points plus grants a +10-foot enhancement bonus to the target’s land speed for 5 rounds. Additionally, it heals 1 temporary ability damage to each of the target’s ability scores.
  6th: When you cast blessing of youth as a 6th-level spell, it restores 11d8 Stamina Points plus grants a +10-foot enhancement bonus to the target’s land speed for 6 rounds. Additionally, it heals 2 temporary ability damage to each of the target’s ability scores.


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