
Discipline: Psychoportation; Level: Psion 1, Specialist 1   Manifesting Time: 1 standard action   Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)   Target: One door or container with an area of up to 10 sq. ft./level   Duration: Instantaneous   Saving Throw: None; Power Resistance: no   Psi Points: 1   You psionically open stuck, barred, or locked doors, including those sealed magically.   When you manifest this power, attempt a manifester level check against the DC of the lock or the jam. You may use an appropriate ability score check or skill check if it would be better. This power opens secret doors, as well as locked or trick-opening boxes or chests. This also loosens welds, shackles, or chains (provided they serve to hold something shut). If used to open a magically sealed door, the power does not remove the magical seal but simply suspends its functioning for 10 minutes. In all other cases, the door does not relock itself or become stuck again on its own.   This does not raise gates or similar impediments, it merely unseals and unsticks them. If you possess the correct key, know the correct password, or otherwise have the correct access method, you need not roll for this power to work.   Augment: You can augment this power in any of the following ways:
  1. For every 2 additional psi points you spend, this will affect one additional means of preventing access.
  2. If you spend 4 additional psi points, you gain a bonus equal to half your level (round down) on this check.
  3. If you expend your Psionic Focus, you may manifest this power as a Swift action.


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