Cloud Mind

Discipline: Telepathy [mind-affecting]; Level: Psion 1   Manifesting Time: 1 standard action   Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)   Target: One creature   Duration: 1 min./level   Saving Throw: Will negates; Power Resistance: Yes   psi points: 1   You make yourself completely undetectable to the subject by erasing all awareness of your presence from its mind. This power has the following effects. First, you are invisible and inaudible to the creature. This includes all special senses; it cannot pinpoint your location by any means.   Second, the subject remains unaware of your actions, provided you do not make any attacks or cause any obvious or directly threatening changes in the subject’s environment. If you attack the subject creature, the effect ends.   If you take an action that creates a sustained and obvious change in the subject’s environment—for example, attacking a creature aside from the subject or moving a large or attended object the subject can see—the subject immediately gains a new saving throw against the power. An ally of the subject creature that is able to see or perceive you can use a move action to warn the subject and thereby grant it a new saving throw.   Augment: You can augment this power in any of the following ways:
  1. For every additional psi points you spend, you may target an additional creature.
  2. If you spend six additional psi points, you may manifest this power as a Reaction
  3. If you expend your Psionic Focus, the power becomes resilient and reactive. Any time a creature sees you, you may expend one psi point as a Reaction to force them to make a save against this power. If they fail, they are caught in its effects as if they were one of its original targets. Pass or fail, no creature can be forced to make a second save against the same manifestation of cloud mind.


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