Dampening Field

Classes Mystic 2, Technomancer 2, Witchwarper 2
  School abjuration
  Casting Time 1 standard action
  Range touch
  Targets one creature
  Duration 1 minute/level
  Saving Throw Will (harmless Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
  The target becomes encased in a field that dampens sounds and vibrations. For the duration of the spell, the target has total concealment against creatures whose only sense is blindsense (sound) or blindsense (vibration) and can attempt Stealth checks to hide from creatures whose only sense is blindsight (sound) or blindsight (vibration) with a +10 circumstance bonus to their checks. All sounds the target makes intentionally are muffled, increasing the DC of Perception checks to hear them by 5.


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