Detect Hazard

Discipline: Clairsentience; Level: Psion 0, Specialist 0   Manifesting Time: 1 standard action   Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)   Target: one creature, one object, or a 5-ft. cube   Duration: Instantaneous   Saving Throw: none; Power Resistance: no   Psi Points: 1 or 0   By attuning your mind to a particular hazard, you can determine its presence or type. Choose one of the following. You sense the presence or absence of the particular hazard automatically.   Poison: If you sense this hazard is present, you may make a Medicine or appropriate Profession check to identify what kind of poison it is and what its effects are, with a difficulty class equal to its save. This includes drugs.   Disease: If you sense this hazard is present, you may make a Medicine check to identify what kind of disease it is and what its effects are, with a difficulty class equal to its save.   Curse: If you sense this hazard is present, you may make a Mysticism check to identify what kind of curse it is, what its effects are, and its cure, with a difficulty class equal to its save (or 20 if it has no save).   Radiation: If you sense this hazard is present, you may make a Physical Science check to identify it and what its effects are, with a difficulty class equal to its save.   Heat and Cold: This detects temperatures below 40 degrees Fahrenheit or over 90 degrees Fahrenheit. If you sense this hazard is present, you may make a Physical  Science check (DC 15) to identify its severity.   Augment: You can augment this power in any of the following ways:
  1. For every additional psi point you spend, you may add an additional creature, object, or 5-ft. cube to the targets.
  2. For every 2 additional psi points you spend, you may detect an additional kind of hazard.
  3. If you spend 2 additional psi points, add Gravity to the list of hazards you may detect. This detects any gravity condition other than standard. If you sense this hazard is present, you may make a Physical Science check DC 20 to identify its severity.
  4. If you spend 4 additional psi points, add Hostile Intent to the list of hazards you may detect. When used in this way, the area becomes a 30-ft.-radius emanation centered on you, and the duration becomes 10 min/level (D). This detects active hostility, not merely vigilance, and alerts you to the general direction the hazard is coming from but not the exact square.


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