Eclipse Touch

Classes Mystic 1-6
  School evocation (force)
  Casting Time 1 standard action
  Range touch
  Targets one creature or object
  Duration instantaneous
  Saving Throw partial (see text Spell Resistance yes
  In the darkened halls of the Eclipse Academy, only the most ruthless students survive. By touching the target (usually requiring a melee attack roll against the target’s EAC, but you can add your key ability score modifier instead of your Strength modifier if it is higher), you inflict bludgeoning damage that has the force descriptor to your opponent. Casting this spell does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
  The spell deals force damage and has additional effects on a critical hit, depending on the spell’s level. Staggered and wound effects allow a saving throw.
  1st: 3d6 B; critical staggered
  2nd: 4d6 B; critical staggered
  3rd: 6d8 B; critical staggered
  4th: 8d8 B; critical wound
  5th: 11d10 B; critical wound
  6th: 16d10 B; critical wound


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