Ego Whip

Discipline: Telepathy [mind-affecting]; Level: Psion 2   Manifesting Time: 1 standard action   Range: Medium (100 ft. +10 ft./level)   Target: One creature   Duration: Instantaneous   Saving Throw: Will partial; Power Resistance: Yes   Psi Points: 3   You rapidly whip the target’s ego, debilitating its confidence and eroding its sense of self. They take 1 Charisma damage, or half that amount on a successful save (minimum 1). A target that fails its save is also dazed for one round.   Augment: You can augment this power in any of the following ways:
  1. For every three additional psi points you spend, increase the Charisma damage by 1
  2. If you spend 3 additional psi points, a target that fails its save is dazed for one round, then confused for three rounds after that.
  3. If you spend 6 additional psi points, a target that fails its save is stunned for one round, then dazed for one round. If combined with the second augment, the victim will be confused for three rounds after the stun and daze.


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