Electric Light Show

Classes Technomancer 1
  School transmutation (electricity, light)
  Casting Time 1 standard action
  Range long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
  Area 5-ft.-diameter burst
  Duration 1 minute
  Saving Throw Reflex partial; Spell Resistance yes
  A favorite among SENOT students, this spell lets you create a charming electrical light show that can mimic fireworks, skywrite a message or logo, or depict anything—from birds and butterflies to a colorful dragon or starship. Once per round as a move action, including on the round you cast this spell, you can target a 5-foot-square within range and launch a spark in that direction. The spark takes a zigzag path from you to that square, missing all creatures and objects in its path, and detonating in the target square with a loud noise and a colorful burst of electricity and light. Creatures in the target square take 1d6 electricity damage and are dazzled for 1 round (a successful Reflex save reduces damage by half and negates the dazzled condition). If you attack in the same round as you launch a spark, that attack has a –4 penalty.


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