Enduring Stylus

Classes Mystic 0, Technomancer 0
  School transmutation
  Casting Time 1 round
  Range touch
  Targets one nonmagical object or solid surface
  Duration instantaneous
  Saving Throw Will negates (harmless, object Spell Resistance yes (harmless, object)
  You trace a symbol or phrase upon a nonmagical object or solid surface with your touch, which becomes permanently imprinted on the object’s surface. The imprint doesn’t harm the object or surface in any way and can be no larger than 6 inches square. If you chose to write a phrase, it can be no more than 5 words in length. This imprint is permanent but is subject to natural wear after being applied. The imprint can be painted over, worn, sanded off, or otherwise defaced or erased at the GMs discretion, with at least 1 hour of work.


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