Hateful Visage

Classes Witchwarper 4
  School illusion
  Casting Time 1 standard action
  Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
  Targets one willing creature; see text
  Duration 1 minute/level
  Saving Throw none (harmless see text; Spell Resistance no
  You pull alternate forms from horrifying realities and drape them upon the target, causing the target to exhibit almost any type of body horror imaginable. Your allies can tell this effect results from your layering of alternate realities onto this one and are unaffected. Against others, the target gains a +10 insight bonus to Intimidate checks. If the target successfully uses Intimidate to demoralize a foe, the foe is frightened instead of shaken. This bonus and change in condition are fear and mind-affecting effects.


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