Intellect Fortress

Classes Mystic 3, Technomancer 3
  School abjuration
  Casting Time 1 reaction
  Range 20 ft.
  Area 20-ft.-radius spherical emanation centered on you
  Duration 1 round
  Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
  When you or a creature within range is subjected to a mind‑affecting effect while this spell is active, you disrupt it with the power of pure logic. Mind-affecting effects deal only half damage—including ability score damage—to creatures in the area, before any reduction due to successful saves or other effects. When a creature within the area succeeds at a saving throw against an emotion or fear effect, they are not affected by that effect, even if that effect would have a partial effect on a successful saving throw. Ongoing emotion and fear effects are also suppressed for creatures within the area.


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