
Classes Mystic 3, Technomancer 3, Witchwarper 3   School conjuration (creation, disease, poison, radiation)   Casting Time 1 standard action   Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)   Area 10-ft.-radius spread; see text   Duration instantaneous   Saving Throw Fortitude partial, see text; Spell Resistance no   This spell floods the area of effect with dangerous radiation. The strength of the radiation you create depends on your caster level, as detailed below. The central irradiated area is always a 10-foot-radius spread that expands normally per the rules for radiation areas of effect (see page 403). Creatures within the area are exposed to the radiation only once; the radiation does not linger in the area. The saving throw to resist the radiation effects is set by the spell rather than the standard save DC for radiation.
Caster Level Radiation Level
6th or Lower Low
7th-9th Medium
10th-16th High
17th or Higher Severe


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