Junk Armor

Classes Technomancer 1
  School conjuration (creation)
  Casting Time 1 standard action
  Range touch
  Target at least 1 bulk of inert electronic equipment; see text
  Duration 24 hours (D)
  Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
  You turn a pile of technological junk into a suit of light armor, or use it to upgrade a suit of light armor into heavy armor. You must target inert, nonworking electronic equipment of at least 1 bulk.
  You can cause the armor to be created on yourself or an adjacent willing or unconscious ally. Light or heavy armor you create requires proficiency to use without penalties as normal. If you use this spell to create light armor, the armor has an EAC bonus equal to your caster level, a KAC bonus equal to your caster level + 2, and a maximum Dex bonus equal to 1 + one quarter your caster level. Using junk armor to temporarily turn light armor into heavy armor increases the armor’s EAC bonus by 1 and its KAC bonus by 2, reduces its maximum Dexterity bonus by 3, and worsens its armor check penalty by 2.


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