
Discipline: Psychometabolism; Level: Psion 1   Manifesting Time: 1 standard action   Range: Personal   Target: You   Duration: 1 minute/level   Psi Points: 1   You channel your psionic power, snapping bones and twisting flesh, transforming yourself into a new shape or form. You can take the form of any creature of the same size as yourself, but this is a purely cosmetic change, your abilities, powers or stats do not change beyond the options selected below. This grants you a +10 bonus on Disguise skill checks.   If you choose to imitate an existing person, you gain an additional +2 circumstance bonus to Disguise checks to convince people that you are that person. If you choose to take on an intimidating, terrifying, or otherwise imposing form, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Intimidate checks. In addition, you gain one choice from Menu A, below, for the duration of the power. Unless otherwise noted, you can never choose the same option more than once. Some augments provide choices from Menu B or C, but choices which provide a similar bonus from different menus do not stack, only the highest applies.

Menu A

  • Increase your base land speed by 10.
  • Gain a single slam/claw/bite attack (your choice) that deals 1d6 damage. You are considered proficient with it, it is considered a basic melee weapon, and if you are level 3 or higher you gain Weapon Specialization with it.
  • Gain 5 temporary hit points
  • Gain the Cleave feat, even if you do not meet the prerequisites.
  • Gain the Improved Combat Maneuver feat for any one combat maneuver, even if you do not meet the prerequisites.
  • Gain a +1 bonus to KAC and EAC
  • Gain Resistance 5 to any one of the following energy types: Acid, Cold, Fire, Electricity, or Sonic. You may select this option more than once, but no more than once per energy type.
  • Gain a Climb and Swim speed equal to your land speed.

Menu B

  • Increase your base land speed by 20.
  • Gain a single slam/claw/bite attack (your choice) that deals 3d6 damage. You are considered proficient with it, it is considered an advanced melee weapon, and if you are level 3 or higher you gain Weapon Specialization with it.
  • Gain Fast Healing 2
  • Gain 15 temporary hit points
  • Gain a +3 bonus to EAC and KAC
  • Gain damage reduction 5/magic
  • Gain a fly speed equal to your base land speed
  • Gain a burrow speed equal to your base land speed
  • You develop poison glands, which allow you to deliver a deadly venom with any natural attack. This is a Constitution injury poison with a frequency of once every two rounds for one minute and a Fortitude save DC equal to this power’s save DC. It is cured by one successful save.

Menu C

  • Increase your base land speed by 30.
  • Increase the damage of any one natural attack you possess by 1d6 per four manifester levels. This can affect natural weapons granted by the same manifestation of this power
  • Gain Fast Healing 5.
  • Gain a +5 bonus to EAC and KAC
  • Gain 30 temporary hit points
Augment: You can augment this power in any of the following ways:
  • For every 2 additional psi points you spend, you may choose two additional abilities from Menu A.
  • For every 4 additional psi points you spend, you may choose two additional abilities from Menu B. In addition, the free choice from manifesting this power can come from Menu B. Your manifester level must be at least seven to use this augment.
  • For every 6 additional psi points you spend, you may choose two additional abilities from Menu C. In addition, the free choice from manifesting this power can come from Menu C. Your manifester level must be at least thirteen to use this augment.
  • If you expend your Psionic Focus, you may manifest this power as a Reaction. When used this way, the duration becomes 1 round/level


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