Mind Link

Discipline: Telepathy [mind-affecting]; Level: Psion 1, Specialist 1
  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
  Targets: You and one other willing creature within range that has Intelligence 3 or more.
  Duration: 10 min./level
  Saving Throw: None; Power Resistance: Yes (harmless)
  Psi Points: 1
  You forge a telepathic bond between your mind and another. You can communicate telepathically so long as you share a common language. This merely allows communication, it does not grant any special power or influence over the target. Once forged, the link is not limited by distance (but will not function across planar boundaries)
  Augment: You can augment this power in any of the following ways:
    • For every additional psi point you spend, this power may affect another creature within range
    • If you spend 4 additional psi points, you may target unwilling creatures (Will save negates in this case). The range of this power also becomes Medium (100 ft. +10 ft/level)
    • If you spend 4 additional psi points, you may communicate even if you do not share a common language.
    • If you spend 4 additional psi points, the duration becomes 1 hour/level
    • If you spend 6 additional psi points, you can temporarily borrow the powers of any psionic character targeted by this power. Doing so is a separate standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, and ends that particular link. The power fades from the target’s mind for the remaining duration of the power, and appears in yours if you would be capable of manifesting the power. You may manifest it using your own psi points, as normal.


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