
Classes Mystic 3, Technomancer 3
  School illusion (mind-affecting)
  Casting Time 10 minutes
  Range plane
  Targets one living creature
  Duration instantaneous
  Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
  You precisely identify a target, such as by name or via a material connection like a personal possession or lock of its hair. The spell fails without expending a spell slot if the target isn’t asleep or in a resting state similar to sleep. If you’ve never met the target in person and lack a material connection to the target, the target gains a +5 bonus to the saving throw. If the spell works, the target remains resting for 1 minute, then has a nightmare, rouses, and becomes frightened for 2d6 rounds. The target can’t willingly reenter the affected resting state for 1 hour. To do so after this time has elapsed, the target must succeed at the saving throw again. If this save fails, the target can try again once per hour thereafter. After 24 hours have passed, this restless state ends.


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