Object Reading

Discipline: Clairsentience; Level: Psion 2, Specialist 2   Manifesting Time: 1 minute   Range: Touch   Target: Object touched   Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes/level (D)   Saving Throw: None; Power Resistance: Yes (object)   Psi Points: 3   You learn details of an inanimate object’s previous owners. Objects accumulate psychic impressions left by their previous owners, which can be read. The amount of information revealed depends on how long you study a particular object. One piece of information is gained for each minute spent studying the object. In order, this power reveals the race, gender, age, and alignment of the previous owner, and lastly how they acquired it. After those are revealed, it moves on to the next-previous owner, and so on until either the duration is up or the maker is revealed.   This power will not identify casual users as owners (such as a boy who flipped a coin once and handed it back). Anyone who uses an object to attack someone or something is no longer a casual owner. In addition, objects like weapons on a starship will reveal those who controlled them via remote stations, not just those who physically possessed or repaired them.   An object without any previous owners reveals no information. Manifesting this power additional times does not start from a point further back in history, it starts from the previous owner as though using it for the first time.   Augment: You can augment this power in any of the following ways:
  1. For every additional psi point you spend, you may remove one type of information that would be revealed. For example, you could choose to never find the age of prior owners, and that would be skipped (saving you time and possibly letting you reach further into history)
  2. For every 4 additional psi points you spend, you may add one category of information to your research. You can choose birth planet (or station), character level, Theme, or the skill they possess with the highest ranks. These pieces of information are revealed last for each person, in this order if more than one is chosen.
  3. If you expend your Psionic Focus, you may manifest this power as a Standard action, and information is gained at one piece per round. When used this way, the duration becomes Concentration, maximum 1 round/level (D), and the power cannot reach more than two previous owners into the past.


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