Planar Barrier

Classes Mystic 6, Technomancer 6, Witchwarper 6
  School abjuration
  Casting Time 6 rounds
  Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
  Area one 60-ft. cube/level (S)
  Duration 24 hours
  Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes
  Planar barrier seals an area against all planar travel into or within it. This includes all teleportation spells, summoning spells, plane shifting, astral travel, and ethereal travel. Such effects simply fail automatically. Starships cannot enter or emerge from Drift travel in an area affected by this spell.
  Dispel magic does not dispel your planar barrier effect unless the caster level of the creature attempting to dispel it is at least as high as your own. You can’t have multiple overlapping planar barrier effects. If planar barrier effects woulds overlap, the more recent effect stops at the boundary of the older effect.
  A planar barrier can be made permanent with a special ritual, which takes 1 hour and requires materials worth 15,000 credits per 60-foot cube.


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