Psionic Focus

Any creature with a maximum psi point pool of 1 or higher, or 1 or more psi-like abilities, can enter a state of mental and physical attunement with their psionic potential; this state is known as psionic focus. You can become psionically focused as a full action. Most characters can only have one psionic focus, but some abilities (such as the Deep Focus feat) allow you to maintain an additional psionic focus, which is gained and expended as normal. Among other things, this may mean that you need to spend more than one round regaining all of your foci if you have expended more than one. You don’t lose your psionic focus if you become unconscious, paralyzed, or otherwise helpless, though you do if you die. On its own, psionic focus does nothing. However, some abilities have additional effects if you are psionically focused, or require you to expend your psionic focus to use them. Talents (0th-level psionic powers) may be manifested without paying psi points if you are psionically focused, though they cannot be augmented if manifested in this fashion.
  If an ability, effect, feat, or power requires you to expend your psionic focus to activate it (such as several specialist class features), you can instead spend 1 Resolve Point, even if you aren’t psionically focused or are in fact incapable of becoming psionically focused. You cannot expend psionic focus in place of spending Resolve Points unless you have an ability that specifically permits you to do so.


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