
Discipline: Metacreativity; Level: Psion 3   Manifesting Time: 1 standard action   Range: 0 ft.   Effect: One ounce dollop of quintessence   Duration: Instantaneous   Saving Throw: None; Power Resistance: No   Psi Points: 5   You cause a dollop of liquid time to coalesce, forming a thick, gooey material called quintessence. The substance shimmers like a silver mirror from some angles, but clear from others. You can smooth a dollop of quintessence around an extremely small object, typically any with Light or negligible Bulk. Creatures or objects sealed within quintessence are isolated from the effects of time, and are effectively in stasis. A creature that is partially coated is pulled partway out of the time stream after one minute, taking 1d6 damage per round until they are either completely immersed or the quintessence is fully scraped off. One dollop of quintessence can be scraped off of a creature or object as a standard action, this has a 50% chance of causing the quintessence to dissipate back into the time stream. One dollop of quintessence has Light bulk itself.   Additional manifestations of this power can accumulate more quintessence, allowing larger objects to be coated. Generally, any object can be coated by an amount of quintessence of equal Bulk. Oddly shaped items, such as armor, take twice as much. However, concentrations of quintessence with Bulk of 1 or greater radiate a psychic static that interferes with nearby manifesters. Manifesters within 10 feet of such a concentration must pay one additional psi point to manifest any power (this counts against their maximum total).   Augment: You can augment this power in any of the following ways:
  1. For every 5 additional psi points you spend, you create another dollop.
  2. If you spend 1 more psi point, this power instead rapidly removes existing quintessence. If it is sealing an object, this power effectively scrapes off one dollop per manifester level. If it is not, this power causes one dollop per manifester level to dissipate.


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