
Classes Technomancer 2
  School evocation
  Casting Time 1 round
  Range touch
  Targets one object
  Duration instantaneous
  Saving Throw Fortitude negates (object Spell Resistance yes (object)
  You restore up to 10 charges to a battery or 5 charges to a technological item capable of being charged by a battery. Since this spell takes your personal energy, you must spend 1 Resolve Point to cast it. If you recharge a battery, there is a 20% chance the battery is destroyed by the attempt. If you restore more charges than the item can hold, the item must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or take 1d6 electricity damage for each excess charge. This spell provides no knowledge of how many charges an item can safely hold, but you can choose to bestow fewer charges than the maximum allowed to reduce the risk; you must declare how many charges you are restoring before casting this spell.


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