Reflecting Armor

Classes Mystic 1
  School abjuration (force)
  Casting Time 1 standard action
  Range personal
  Duration 10 minutes/level or until dismissed (D see text
  You create a shimmering skin-like coating of mystical force that covers your body, allowing you to reflect damage you take back against your attacker. At any time during this spell’s duration, when you take damage from an attack made with a weapon by a foe within 100 feet, you can choose to dismiss the spell as a reaction. If you do, the armor crackles with energy as it disappears, arcing through the air to strike the attacking creature, which takes an amount of damage equal to the damage dealt to you at the time this spell was dismissed (maximum 10). This damage also has the force descriptor. The target can attempt a Reflex save for half damage.


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