Rewire Flesh

Classes Technomancer 4
  School transmutation
  Casting Time 1 standard action
  Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
  Targets one living creature
  Duration 1 round/level (D see text
  Saving Throw Will negates and Fortitude half, see text; Spell Resistance yes
  Like rewriting the code that makes up a computer program, you manipulate the target’s DNA to painfully rewire that target’s biological functions to mimic the cold and rigid processes of a robot. The target must succeed at a Will saving throw, or all of its movement speeds are halved and it takes 3d6 slashing damage per round on its turn as its internal organs shift and transform to become more like the inner components of a robot. Each round, the target can attempt a Fortitude saving throw to halve the damage this spell causes.
  While this spell is in effect, the target’s body becomes visibly more robotic; its voice is tinny and halting, its movements are jerky, and its face is unmoving and emotionless. The target has the flat-footed condition, and it takes a –2 penalty to all Sense Motive checks as well as to all Charisma-based and Dexterity-based skill and ability checks.


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