Second Chance

Discipline: Clairsentience; Level: Psion 4   Manifesting Time: 1 standard action   Range: Personal   Target: You   Duration: 1 round/level or until discharged   Psi Points: 7   You can see the many branching paths of probability, and can take a hand on which one to follow. At any point during this power’s duration, you may reroll any one d20 roll you make. You may do this at any point before the result is announced. You must take the new result, even if it’s worse. Once you do so, this power is discharged and immediately ends.   Augment: You can augment this power in any of the following ways:
  1. For every 3 additional psi points you spend, add a +1 insight bonus to the reroll.
  2. If you spend 5 additional psi points, your ability extends to those nearby. You may reroll any one d20 roll made by a willing creature within close range, instead of just yourself.
  3. If you expend your Psionic Focus, you may manifest this power as a Swift action. When used this way, the duration is halved.


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