Shadow Jump

Classes Mystic 4, Technomancer 4
  School conjuration (shadow, teleportation)
  Casting Time 1 standard action
  Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
  Targets you and touched objects
  Duration concentration, 1 round + 1 round/3 levels (D)
  Saving Throw none, Will negates (object Spell Resistance no, yes (object)
  Your body forms a connection to the Shadow Plane, allowing you to teleport through it, rather than the Astral Plane, with ease. While this spell is active, as a move action, you can teleport to any area of dim light or darkness you can see within range. If you leave a threatened space, you have concealment (20% miss chance) against any foe that makes an attack of opportunity against you.


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