Snuff Life

Classes Mystic 6
  School necromancy (death)
  Casting Time 1 standard action
  Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
  Targets up to one creature/2 levels, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
  Duration instantaneous
  Saving Throw Fortitude partial, see text; Spell Resistance yes
  You twist the essence of life that flows through your targets, snuffing the spark out of weaker creatures and debilitating or disabling others. This spell’s effects depend on each target’s CR.
  A creature of CR 5 or lower is slain by this spell. If it succeeds at a Fortitude saving throw, it is instead reduced to 1 Hit Point.
  A creature of CR 6–10 takes 10d20 damage and is stunned for 3 rounds. If it succeeds at a Fortitude saving throw, it takes half damage and negates the stunned effect.
  A creature of CR 11–14 takes 8d20 damage and is staggered for 3 rounds. If it succeeds at a Fortitude saving throw, it takes half damage and negates the staggered effect.
  A creature of CR 15 or higher takes 6d20 damage. If it succeeds at a Fortitude saving throw, it takes half damage.
  Regardless of whether the target succeeds at its saving throw, it still might die from the damage this spell deals, though in this case the spell is not a death effect.


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