Specialist Proofs

You learn your first specialist proof at 1st level, and learn an additional proof at 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter. In addition, you can select a specialist proof from an inclination other than your chosen one when you gain your hobbyist proof ability at 4th level (and again every 4 levels thereafter), as if you were a specialist with that inclination of 1/2 your specialist level. Some specialist proofs require you to have a minimum specialist level, and some require you to have selected a specific inclination, and they are organized accordingly. Some require you to meet additional prerequisites, such as having other proofs.
  Some specialist proofs allow you to add your specialist level to damage in certain circumstances, or with certain weapons. These proofs stack with the bonus granted by Weapon Specialization, but not with each other. For example, the damage boost provided by the high-yield explosives proof would not stack with that provided by the double tap proof.


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