Spiritual Consultation

Classes Mystic 1-6 School divination Casting Time 1 standard action Range touch Targets one comm unit or computer Duration 1 minute/level Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
  You draw a spirit into a comm unit or computer, allowing you to consult the spirit for information. As a swift action, you can ask the spirit a question; you can ask a question in this way a number of times equal to your key ability score modifier. The spirit attempts to recall knowledge with any of its available skills, then transmits a response to your question via the device at the start of your next turn. Questions asked of a spirit are wasted if they aren’t relevant to its field of expertise or aren’t achievable with skill checks to recall knowledge.
  1st: When you cast spiritual consultation as a 1st-level spell, the spirit has a bonus of +6 in one skill of your choice.
  2nd: When you cast spiritual consultation as a 2nd-level spell, the spirit has a bonus of +10 in one skill of your choice.
  3rd: When you cast spiritual consultation as a 3rd-level spell, the spirit has a bonus of +14 in one skill of your choice.
  4th: When you cast spiritual consultation as a 4th-level spell, the spirit has a bonus of +17 in two skills of your choice.
  5th: When you cast spiritual consultation as a 5th-level spell, the spirit has a bonus of +20 in two skills of your choice, and the duration of the spell increases to 10 minutes/level.
  6th: When you cast spiritual consultation as a 6th-level spell, the spirit has a bonus of +23 in two skills of your choice, the duration of the spell increases to 10 minutes/level, and the number of questions you can ask the spirit doubles.


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