
Classes Mystic 1-4, Technomancer 1-4, Witchwarper 1-4
  School transmutation
  Casting Time 1 standard action; see text
  Range see text
  Targets see text
  Duration see text
  Saving Throw Will negates (harmless Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
  You magically enhance one or more targets’ physiologies to allow them to swim through liquids with increasing levels of ease and grace.
  1st: When you cast swim as a 1st-level spell, you can target one Medium or smaller creature per caster level at close range (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels) that’s partially or fully submerged in water or another liquid. The targets must all be within 20 feet of each other. A Large creature or object counts as two Medium creatures, a Huge creature or object counts as four Medium creatures, and so on. The affected targets gain a +8 bonus to their Athletics checks to swim. For each target, this casting of the spell lasts 1 round per caster level or until that target leaves the water (whichever happens first). The 1st-level version of this spell can be cast as a reaction, but when you do so, you can’t take a standard action on your next turn.
  2nd: When you cast swim as a 2nd-level spell, you can target one willing or unconscious touched creature and give it a swim speed of 40 feet, and the spell lasts until the creature leaves the water or for 1 minute per caster level (whichever happens first).
  3rd: When you cast swim as a 3rd-level spell, you can target one willing or unconscious touched creature and affect it as per the 2nd-level version of the spell, except the target gains a swim speed of 60 feet and the spell lasts for 10 minutes per caster level.
  4th: When you cast swim as a 4th-level spell, you can target multiple willing or unconscious creatures at close range (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels) and affect them as per the 3rd-level version of the spell. You can target one creature per caster level, all of which must be within 30 feet of each other.


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