Sympathetic Vibration

Classes Technomancer 6
  School evocation (sonic)
  Casting Time 10 minutes
  Range touch
  Targets one freestanding structure or vehicle
  Duration up to 1 round/level
  Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes
  By attuning yourself to a freestanding structure or vehicle (this doesn’t include starships), you can create a damaging vibration within it. Once it begins, the vibration deals 2d10 sonic damage per round to the target, bypassing hardness. You can choose at the time of casting to limit the duration of the spell; otherwise, it lasts for 1 round per level. If the spell is cast upon a target that is not freestanding, the surrounding material dissipates the effect and no damage occurs.
  Sympathetic vibration can’t affect creatures (even if they are constructs).


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