
Discipline: Psychoportation; Level: Psion 4   Manifesting Time: 1 standard action   Range: Medium (100 ft. +10 ft./level)   Area: 20 ft. radius burst   Duration: Instantaneous   Saving Throw: Reflex half; Power Resistance: no   Psi Points: 7   You translocate chunks of earth, metal plating, or other hard materials into the air and send them crashing onto your victims below. All creatures in the affected area take 7d6 bludgeoning damage from the hail of debris, and the affected area becomes difficult terrain until cleared.   Augment: You can augment this power in any of the following ways:
  1. For every 2 additional psi points you spend, increase the radius of the affected burst by 5 feet.
  2. For every 3 additional psi points you spend, affected creatures take 2d6 more damage
  3. If you spend 5 additional psi points, this power affects a column 50 feet high over the normal affected area.


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