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Sometimes it's a whisper in the swirling mists that cross the surface of the planet, other times it's a shape materialising in the darkness before it flickers into nothing. Ask anyone on planet Strion and they can tell you a story of a time they've seen a ghost.   Some say it's nothing but a figment of our imaginations, a story made up to scare small children, but I believe we have seen something real. There is something (or someone) out there in the mists, biding their time until they are ready...

Historical Basis

The origins of ghosts isn't tied to history, but to science. When the particles in Strions atmosphere react with Orion's light it creates small chemical reactions. Sometimes these reactions result in color changes in the mists of the atmosphere. These color changes, alongside the generic sound of whistling wind can cause Strion's to believe there is someone else present, a ghost if you will.


This myth is known all across the planet Strion. It is often used as a warning to small children to protect them againts wandering alone in the mists. However, even most adult Strions will happily tell you of a time they encountered a ghost. Often, they will describe a fleeting glimpse of a loved one they have lost, or a strange figure wandering alone. If challenged, they often become defensive, as they wholeheartedly believe their experiences to be true.
I can only describe it as supernatural... One minute I was walking home through the mists alone, and the next my mother was by my side. She's been dead for years, but it was definitely her. She vanished shortly after... People tell me it was a trick of the light but I don't believe them; what I saw was real...
— a Strion's experience with ghosts


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