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Main Timeline

This is the most well known timeline in the region.

Empty Era

3900 4499

During this Era, any sapient species that evolved were systematically exterminated. Who and Why are still unknown

  • 3900 EE


    The End
    Disaster / Destruction

    Something systematically killed off all sentient life in the galaxy, no one knows how or why.

Silent Era

4500 6499

All the sapient life was gone, and new races evolved into sapience alone in an empty and cold galaxy.

  • 4631 SiE

    32 Second Cycle 08:00
    4633 SiE

    31 Fourth Cycle 13:00

    The Pointless War (WW3)
    Military: War

    The old nations of Pre-Stellar Earth found themselves launched into conflict, but after four bloody years when the dust had finally settled, no one had won. The old nations of the 20th and Early 21st century fell and a new 21st century rose, one beaten and bloody, but much wiser.
