
From a letter from Imperial Chamberlain Caliedhe Dosiere

The Brechts are sea-faring traders who ply their ships through the frozen Krakenaurricht in central Cerilia to reach foreign ports. Though they have the most exposure to other continents and cultures, they are also among the most insular of peoples. They've seen how other people live, and while they don't necessarily disapprove, the Brechts are far more comfortable with their own way of life.

The Brecht nobles were gravely weakened by centuries of Avonaler occupation; today, nobles hold power in only a few of the Brecht states. Most Brecht leaders are rogues calling themselves merchants. Their patron deity is Sera (we know her as Shimuura), the goddess of fortune and commerce, and so the Brechts model their lives around her ideals. As a result, the merchant class is the highest rank one can gain in Brecht society, and many sailors give their lives trying to achieve it.

Money, not nobility or knowledge, is the driving force behind Brecht society. The Brechts are, above all, pragmatic. They generally won't fight a battle they're sure to lose, instead preferring to bargain their way out of it. Most of them won't betray friends for the sake of a profit, but as in any society, it has been known to happen. They are not entirely cold to the needs of others, but they do tend to weigh the costs and benefits of their actions. I find that many Brecht merchants are quite full of themselves, as if their wealth and position makes them completely unassailable.

The Brecht lands, which encircle the Krakennauricht, are divided from the rest of the continent by mountains. Having been beaten once by an overland army, they're determined not to let it happen again. The passes through the mountains are well guarded, and the Brechts see themselves as unbeatable at sea.