
Duchy of Avonlae
Regent: Duchess Eriene Mierelen   (F'AE; Th7; Ba, major, 41; NE),has sworn fealty to the Prince of Avanil, but keeps secrets from her liege. As she comes from a proud line of rulers and guild leaders, she has a keen eye both for politics and business and can quickly capitalize on any opportunities that come her way. Mierelen seeks expediency in all things, looking for the best way to turn a profit. If a piece of her domain is not appearing profitable, either in the short-term or the long run, she will do her best to trim it from the kingdom.

• Lieutenants: The duchess has a personal staff of three lieutenants, all guildsmen and rogues of varying levels. They are all excellent diplomats, skilled in the arts of negotiation, compromise, and espionage, but they know little about the arts of war.

Provinces: The royal court in Bindier, one of the most impressive along the Western Coast, rivals even that of Boeruine. Many Avonlaer realms keep a permanent embassy in the capitol, also called Bindier, making it a hotbed of intrigue and diplomacy. Of course, little discussion of much import occurs in Brosengae's negotiations, but the diplomats do their best to keep their lucrative postings to her court.

Important NPCs: Avanil's significant law holdings in both Marilen and Coere allow him to control the majority of law in those two provinces. Mierelen completely dominates the guild activity of her kingdom and tries to keep temple activity to a minimum. Still, two temples have developed holdings here: Shimuura's Temple of Fortune and the Peaceful Seas of Nesirie find popularity among the people of this domain.

Description: All the provinces in Brosengae are well settled throughout, though none of them can rival the province of Avonlae in Avanil for sheer population. The land not dominated by farms is covered in woods, and the woodcutters of Brosengae constantly ply their trade in the pine forest.

Of all the Western realms, Brosengae feels most keenly the storms that plague the coastal region. Since here the trade winds from Miere Rhuann meet those off the Arnienbae and the Straits of Aerele, scarcely a day goes by without a storm of some sort. Whether a slight drizzle or a full-fledged hurricane, it's always raining in Brosengae.

The two northern provinces fall prey to the trolls roaming down from the Seamist Mountains. The duchess has to devote a garrison of troops to the provinces of Marilen and Coere to protect her people from the creatures' depredations. She taxes the populace heavily, calling them "contributions to the cost of their own protection."

The citizenry, especially in the north, seems surly at the best of times. Folks labor under heavy taxes and see precious little return for their hard work except the fattening of their monarch's pockets. Rebellion seethes just beneath the placid surface; fear of revolt causes Mierelen to worry more about her security, which makes the people even edgier. Occasionally, the duchess attempts to restore the people's loyalty to her by sponsoring celebrations or festivals, but unknown agents keep pointing out in public that these are blatant attempts on her part to buy the favor of the populace. She suspects the source has ties to Avan, but she can prove nothing. Besides, the populace has acted the same throughout her family's reign, so she feels helpless to do anything about it.

This article has no secrets.